Kieselguhr starch industry

starch industry

Kieselguhr (diatomaceous earth)

This powder, which is made from diatomite, sedimentary rocks of skeletal remains of unicellular algae, named diatom. Amazingly complicated on the structure skeletons are unusual because they consist of clean silicon oxide – silicate. Many species have circular form but there are elongate or acicular too, but most of skeletons not preserve in the mining and milling processes. Uncountable interconnecting pores and solid, irregular shape are essential for correct work of this wonderful mineral.

For obtaining of high-quality diatomaceous products is required to ensure that:

  • Mined diatomite rock is enough clean and without impurities of clay and other minerals

  • Kept microporous structure survived

The reality is that only several diatomite deposits in the whole world are enough clean and more over in their mining required high accuracy in order to prevent pollution. In addition to that particular attention to process of further processing for preserve diatomaceous structure from destruction.

In fact Imerys company explored the whole our planet and warrants that it had exploiting only such deposits which are enough clean for production of first-class diatomaceous earth products.

It is the combination of inherently substance – of clean silicate, structure of disrupted diatomite particles and many holes in this structure provide with unique properties, inherent to products from diatomaceous earth. Mineralogical and chemical properties of diatomite rock are explored carefully before their mining. Because the most of our customers has business with beverage and food production, products by Imerys company are correspond according to standards of Food Chemical Codex, US Food and Drugs Administration and Generally Recognized as Safe.

In starch industry filter aids are used for solid suspended particles removing(proteins, fats) after conversion of the starch to the syrup and also for removing of active carbon used for syrup’s decolorization and other inorganic large sized impurities.

Main products for starch filtration are Celite 545 RVS and Celite 545 VO. Products by Imerys company for starch filtration have the following advantages:
Крахмалопаточная промышленность

  • Highly effective refining of syrups from sediments and turbidity;
  • High speed of filtration;
  • High productivity of filter - possibility of filtration of big volume in relation toward filter material weight;
  • Increase of duration of filtration cycle time;
  • Attainment of required syrup clarity.

High quality filter aids by Imerys company warrant stability of their physical-chemical properties and provide the better choice by availability and economy.

There are also the exist other grades of Celite
kieselguhr. Our specialists will help you to select
the most optimized filter aids depending on
their technical characteristics and requirements,
applicable to the final product
